Fugitive Planning

+ Design for Planetary Abolition

The Fyrthyr Institute for Unsettling Technologies is a cultural production studio that designs infrastructures to advance planetary health and wellbeing.

We bring decolonial know-how and know-why to problems that are administrative, technical, architectural, and inter-personal. We work with institutions of higher education, organizations, and global movements to foster land-based wealth redistribution and futures fluency.

As cultural strategists, our aim is to educate, enhance lives, empower communities, and build a better world for all beings.

The Fyrthyr conducts design research that probes the following questions:

How are today's prevailing definitions of technology conditioned by colonial modes of living?

How do we reproduce colonial modes of living by accepting today's prevailing definitions of technology?

What alternative definitions of technology are possible and might enable us to subvert the colonial modes of living?

Through speculation and documentation, the Fyrthyr aims to unsettle forms of know-how that alienate culture from nature, labor from land, and people from place. In turn, we aim to recreate and disseminate know-how to advance planetary abolition of racial capitalism and patriachal imperialism.

Institute Team